Parution : « Los secretos mecanismos de las cortes: Facciones en la Europa moderna » (, 2015)
Ce volume monographique de la revue en ligne publie les contributions présentées à deux journées d’études consacrées à étudier les factions comme moyen d’analyse : « Fifth Column or Political Party in Early Modern Courts? » (Modène, juin 2014) et « A Europe of courts, a Europe of Factions » (Rome, novembre 2014).
Rubén González Cuerva : From the empress to the ambassador: the “spanish faction” and the labyrinths of the imperial court of Prague, 1575-1585
Esther Jiménez Pablo : Oratorian spirituality in the roman court and its incidence on the pro-spanish faction
Valentina Caldari : There is no frendship among princes but for their owne interests. the spanish faction at James I’s court, 1603-1625
Luis Tercero Casado : A fluctuating ascendancy: the “spanish party” at the imperial court of Vienna (1631-1659)
Giuseppe Mrozek Eliszezynski : Service to the king and loyalty to the duke: the Castro family in the faction of the duke of Lerma
Silvano Giordano : Power management at the roman court at the beginning of the 17th century:the case of cardinal Giovanni Garzia Millini
Frédérique Sicard : Continuity and identity at the court of France: parties around queen Marie de Medici and queen Anne of Austria
Détails, Monografico 2, año 7 (2015)
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