Ressources : « Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History » (Metropolitan Museum, en ligne)
Le Metropolitan Museum a mis en ligne, en langue anglaise, sur son site internet la « Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History » qui rassemble des essais et des œuvres d’art sur différents thèmes d’histoire de l’art via les collections du Musée.
Voici une sélection des thèmes abordés touchant principalement à l’art, aux artistes et aux objets en France aux XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles.
The Art, Form, and Function of Gilt Bronze in the French Interior
Botanical Imagery in European Painting
Costume in The Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Eighteenth Century: From Geometric to Informal Gardens
Eighteenth-Century European Dress
The Eighteenth-Century Pastel Portrait
Eighteenth-Century Silhouette and Support
Eighteenth-Century Women Painters in France
European Clocks in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century
European Tapestry Production and Patronage, 1600–1800
Food and Drink in European Painting, 1400–1800
French Decorative Arts during the Reign of Louis XIV (1654–1715)
French Furniture in the Eighteenth Century: Case Furniture
French Furniture in the Eighteenth Century: Seat Furniture
French Porcelain in the Eighteenth Century
French Silver in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
From Italy to France: Gardens in the Court of Louis XIV and After
Furnishings during the Reign of Louis XIV (1654–1715)
Gardens of Western Europe, 1600–1800
The Golden Age of French Furniture in the Eighteenth Century
The Idea and Invention of the Villa
Interior Design in England, 1600–1800
Jean Antoine Watteau (1684–1721)
Jean-Antoine Houdon (1741–1828)
Jean-Honoré Fragonard (1732–1806)
Musical Terms for the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
The Nude in Baroque and Later Art
Portraiture in Renaissance and Baroque Europe
Seventeenth-Century European Watches
Shoes in The Costume Institute
Still-Life Painting in Northern Europe, 1600–1800
Still-Life Painting in Southern Europe, 1600–1800
Techniques of Decoration on Arms and Armor
Textile Production in Europe: Embroidery, 1600–1800
Textile Production in Europe: Lace, 1600–1800
Textile Production in Europe: Printed, 1600–1800
Textile Production in Europe: Silk, 1600–1800
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Benjamin Ringot (10 mai 2016). Ressources : « Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History » (Metropolitan Museum, en ligne). CRCV. Consulté le 16 février 2025 à l’adresse